Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Collaborative Apprenticeship: A New Role for the Technology Coordinator in Teachers' Professional Development.
By Evan M. Glazer and Kathy Page: May, 2006

When reading this article I found many questions swimming around in my head. What I found interesting was some teachers are just too afraid to use technology. I believe fear is our only thing in life that keeps us from doing what we really want to do. The use of computers and other technological tools in the classroom is a great idea. The other great idea is helping teachers achieve this goal. The article did very well in describing the many phases a teacher goes through with technology. The support groups that were described in this article are great tools for teachers to use. I believe every teacher need some help when it comes to technology. The future is now, and teachers need to be prepared for it.

Do perspective teachers need to become technology savvy before they enter the classroom?
My answer to this question would have to be no. Teachers are learning a great deal and have tons of work to do. During their college education they will receive instruction on how to use certain programs and technological tools. I believe once a teacher enters the classroom they will use what they know. It is up to the teacher to begin to learn more and try to utilize it in the classroom.

Can technology make a teacher’s job any easier?
I believe with the use of technology comes an easier way of life. Teachers who use technology in and outside of the classroom will have an easier time. It won’t make their lives simple, but easier to manage. Any teacher will tell you that use computers or other devices made their job run smoother.

1 comment:

  1. Fear is not the primary factor influencing teachers' not using technology, according to Larry Cuban (1986, 2000). He studied the relationship between teachers and machines. He found that teachers' practical and tacit knowledge plays a fundamental role in their decisions about adopting new instructional strategies and technology.
