Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April Rain

I see her in the street lamp that light up each night
Guiding a weary traveler home to a safe place...
I see her in the rain puddles collecting after an April rain
Reflecting the love she holds for me...
I see her on those California summer days
The same ones in which we first met...
The kids can dance
I just want romance...
I see her in my dreams
I see her in everything...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Not Mine, Not Yours, Then Who?

"One fine day in the middle of the night"

One fine day in the middle of the night,

Two dead boys got up to fight,

Back to back they faced each other,

Drew their swords and shot each other,

One was blind and the other couldn't, see

So they chose a dummy for a referee.

A blind man went to see fair play,

A dumb man went to shout "hooray!"

A paralyzed donkey passing by,

Kicked the blind man in the eye,

Knocked him through a nine inch wall,

Into a dry ditch and drowned them all,

A deaf policeman heard the noise,

And came to arrest the two dead boys,

If you don't believe this story’s true,

Ask the blind man he saw it too!
Nobody, Somebody, Anybody

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sometimes loneliness can be a good thing.

Just thinking how beautiful you are in the moonlight. Standing just a few feet away. Just thinking of summer shows and the October nights. The music never sounded so good. Just thinking of the Sunset Cliff Ghost. It is time he leaves with the southern wind. Just thinking it would be nice to see the sunset in the east. Loneliness can be a good thing on a rainy day. Just thinking of a place where the sun warms your face. Just thinking of the calm blue sea. She is standing next to me. Just thinking of her, Just thinking of her, Just thinking of her. Sometimes loneliness can be a good thing.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Envisioning the Future of Education
By Mark van't Hooft: March/April 2008

Reading this article made me really think about education and children. This article talks about mobile learning, and all of its ups and downs. In my day I had a piece of paper and pencil when it came to mobile learning. Today’s youth has laptops and PDA’s, and many other devices. This way of learning is great, but also can be a little dangerous. Some students might not know the power of technology, and use it in a bad way. If a teacher is going to allow for mobile learning, then he or she must prepare their students on the proper way to go about it. The first thing a teacher should asses is the maturity and responsibility every student posse. Also a teacher must asses the skills each student has. Once these are out of the way, mobile learning can take place.
Does mobile learning take away from classroom learning?
In my observations the answer to this question is still up in the air. Students can gain useful knowledge from learning outside of the classroom, but at the same time learn something that is invalid, or not useful. The world is growing and technological devices are becoming the way of the future. It is inevitable that students of tomorrow will be learning outside of the classroom more then inside.

Does the real world have anything to teach to students, or does the classroom fulfill this need?
I believe that a student of today’s society needs to experience both real life learning, and classroom learning. Today’s world relies too much on personal experiences and real life situations. Students need to be exposed to real world lessons, and how to solve them. The classroom can only take a student so far. The real world will open student’s eyes and make them understand how tough it can really be.
Collaborative Apprenticeship: A New Role for the Technology Coordinator in Teachers' Professional Development.
By Evan M. Glazer and Kathy Page: May, 2006

When reading this article I found many questions swimming around in my head. What I found interesting was some teachers are just too afraid to use technology. I believe fear is our only thing in life that keeps us from doing what we really want to do. The use of computers and other technological tools in the classroom is a great idea. The other great idea is helping teachers achieve this goal. The article did very well in describing the many phases a teacher goes through with technology. The support groups that were described in this article are great tools for teachers to use. I believe every teacher need some help when it comes to technology. The future is now, and teachers need to be prepared for it.

Do perspective teachers need to become technology savvy before they enter the classroom?
My answer to this question would have to be no. Teachers are learning a great deal and have tons of work to do. During their college education they will receive instruction on how to use certain programs and technological tools. I believe once a teacher enters the classroom they will use what they know. It is up to the teacher to begin to learn more and try to utilize it in the classroom.

Can technology make a teacher’s job any easier?
I believe with the use of technology comes an easier way of life. Teachers who use technology in and outside of the classroom will have an easier time. It won’t make their lives simple, but easier to manage. Any teacher will tell you that use computers or other devices made their job run smoother.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mapping Students Minds
Ariel Owens (2002)

My first impression of this article was a bit sketchy. I had a little doubt about technology and students of such a young grade level. Once I began reading I instantly found a role model in Ariel Owens. She sounds like an awesome teacher, and one that has little or no fear. I myself am becoming a Science teacher, and I found this article to be very inspirational. I would love to incorporate technology and science as one and the same. The field trips and data collecting the children and Mrs. Owens do sound exciting and fun. I have a many reservations of using technology in my classroom. This is just because I am weak and unknowledgeable about technology. Technology and all of its cool educational tools do have many benefits in and outside of the classroom.

Do students benefit from using technological tools in the classroom, or do they just cause more problems?
From reading this article it sounds like these students are benefiting greatly from using computers, and other electronic gadgets. They are problem solving and also working well in groups. I believe technology is something great and beneficial for students and teachers. I hope to some day use computers and other cool gadgets with my students.

Can field trips be beneficial to students, or just a waste of time and money? My answer to this is of course field trips are worth the time and money. Students are able to see real life scenarios. This is a chance for students to learn and receive a different kind of education. An education that steers away from four walls, and pops out from the page of a text book. This is an opportunity I hope every student gets to be part of. Without field trips there would be no Museums, or Aquariums.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Can You Hear Me Know?
Sherry Turkle 5/07/07

The article on technology and human dependence seemed very interesting. I really think people are to involve with their technology tools and gadgets. Too many people out there are tied down to their cell phones, PDA’s, and other multitask devices. I believe too many humans out there are tuned in to their Cyber lives not the real world. The paragraph on kids and adolescents’ using cell phones was a very interesting topic. During my time as an adolescent I was never dependent on a cell phone or any technological device. Kids today have no freedom or dependence from their parents or stupid advertisements. Today’s kids are in a world where you cannot escape and become your own person.

Do technology tools like Cell Phones and Black Berry’s make the lives easier or better for the human race?
I believe cells phones and other devices can make our lives better, but at the same time over use of them can be damaging to anyone’s life. Cell phones and other devices have helped bring love ones closer and made saying good-bye a little easier. In some cases these devices have even saved lives.

Do young children and adolescents’ need cell phones or can they survive without them?
In my own personal experience I never needed a cell phone or technological device. In today’s world there are to many dark streets and bad souls. Kids today need every chance they can to survive. It is up to them to survive in a world in which the darkness has grown. I believe the youth of today need cells phones, so they can be safe and have no worries.