Monday, June 22, 2009

Can You Hear Me Know?
Sherry Turkle 5/07/07

The article on technology and human dependence seemed very interesting. I really think people are to involve with their technology tools and gadgets. Too many people out there are tied down to their cell phones, PDA’s, and other multitask devices. I believe too many humans out there are tuned in to their Cyber lives not the real world. The paragraph on kids and adolescents’ using cell phones was a very interesting topic. During my time as an adolescent I was never dependent on a cell phone or any technological device. Kids today have no freedom or dependence from their parents or stupid advertisements. Today’s kids are in a world where you cannot escape and become your own person.

Do technology tools like Cell Phones and Black Berry’s make the lives easier or better for the human race?
I believe cells phones and other devices can make our lives better, but at the same time over use of them can be damaging to anyone’s life. Cell phones and other devices have helped bring love ones closer and made saying good-bye a little easier. In some cases these devices have even saved lives.

Do young children and adolescents’ need cell phones or can they survive without them?
In my own personal experience I never needed a cell phone or technological device. In today’s world there are to many dark streets and bad souls. Kids today need every chance they can to survive. It is up to them to survive in a world in which the darkness has grown. I believe the youth of today need cells phones, so they can be safe and have no worries.

1 comment:

  1. Someone coined the term "absent presence," meaning that people are physically here but their minds are at the other end of cell phone or computer networks.
